Kobo is back at it again, making it difficult for people to buy their ereaders, just like they’ve been doing ever since they started selling them. After six years of selling ereaders you would think they would get things right eventually, but that still remains to be seen. The mystery of the out-of-stock Kobo Aura […]
10 Free Kindle eBooks and Kindle Deals – November 14th
It’s time for another list of 10 free Kindle ebooks to start off the week. Please note that the free Kindle books listed below are free as of November 14th, 2016. Most of these titles are free for a limited time only and will expire in a few days before going back to the regular […]
Up to 75% off Kindle Books, Plus Kindle and Fire Tablet Sales
Amazon is running another sale on Kindle ebooks today only as one of their Gold Box Deals of the Day. This time around the deal takes up to 75% off a selection of the most wished for books at Amazon. There are sixteen books on the list with mostly 4 and 5 star reviews. Plus […]
13.3-inch Onyx Boox Max on Sale for Lowest Price Yet
I don’t know how long the sale is going to last but I noticed that Banggood has the Onyx Boox Max on sale for $679 with free shipping. Granted that’s still expensive for an ereader but that’s the lowest price I’ve seen the Onyx Boox Max selling for since it was released earlier this year. […]
Video Tutorial: How to Download Library eBooks to Kobo Aura One
The folks from the West Vancouver Memorial Library posted a video tutorial on YouTube going through the process of how to setup the Kobo Aura One to download ebooks for free from public libraries. The video walks you through the entire process from start to finish, showing you how to add your library account, search […]
Amazon Needs to Stop With the Phony Kindle Sales
It’s time for another ebook reader rant. This one has been bugging me for awhile now, and Amazon just keeps doing it over and over again hoping to take advantage of people that aren’t paying close attention. Usually Amazon is fair and on the level when it comes to advertising and not intentionally misleading people, […]
Onyx Boox Kepler Pro with 300 ppi and Android Released
Onyx has finally released their latest premium 6-inch ereader, the Onyx Boox Kepler Pro. It was expected to get released over the summer but it got delayed so it’s good to see the Kepler Pro now showing up online. Banggood has a new listing for the Kepler Pro that got added yesterday. The downside is […]
Kindle Voyage on Sale for $119 Certified Refurbished, Plus Others
Amazon has a number of certified refurbished devices on sale today. Amazon’s refurbished products are often customer returns and still look like new, and they come with the same warranty as new devices. One of the best Kindle deals in a long time takes the price of the Kindle Voyage down to $119. Normally it […]