Amazon issued a number of press releases this week regarding the Kindle and Kindle ebooks. Instead of doing separate posts for each of them, this post will review all the recent Kindle news, with the exception of the new graphite Kindle DX, which is posted here. Kindle Books with Audio and Video On Sunday the […]
Amazon Kindle
New Kindle DX with Better Contrast and Lower Price
Amazon has really started taking it up a notch ever since Barnes and Noble released their new Wi-Fi only Nook last week. Just about everyday since then Amazon has issued a press release with another announcement regarding Kindle or Kindle ebooks in some regard. This time Amazon has announced a new Kindle DX that sells […]
$189 Kindle 2 vs Nook 3G and Nook WiFi – Pros and Cons
With the introduction of the new Nook Wi-Fi and subsequent price-drops of the Nook 3G and Kindle 2, choosing the best device of the three can be a difficult decision. So which one is the best ereader to choose? Well, the good news is that you really can’t go wrong with any of them at […]
Kindle 2 Now $189: Amazon’s Retaliation
This is absolutely classic. Barnes and Noble officially announced the release of their new WiFi-only Nook today for $149, and at the same time dropped the price of the 3G Nook down to $199. If you do a news search for the term ebook reader or ereader, you get pages and pages all about the […]
Kindle 2 and DX Firmware Update – Folders, Finally
Better late than never, Amazon has officially released an updated version of firmware for the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX. The update downloads automatically to the device if you own one, or you can visit Amazon’s Kindle software page for instructions on how to manually update. The most anticipated new feature is folders, or “collections” […]
It’s Official: Kindle Coming to all Target Stores on June 6
The title says it all. Target issued a press release today confirming their plans for Kindle Nationwide. Getting Kindles in stores where people can see and touch them is going to help sales and presence with all the other ereaders coming to stores of late. It was something Amazon had to do sooner or later. […]
Kindle News: Asus, Android, Target, Firmware
Some Kindle news to report, Amazon has partnered with Asus to bring the Kindle for PC application pre-installed on the following models of netbooks and notebooks, with more coming soon, of course. Asus Eee PC: 1005PE-MU27- BK, 1005PE-MU27-BU, 1005PE-MU27-WT, 1005PE-MU27-PI. Asus UL Series: UL30A-X5K, UL30VT-X1K. Asus is one of the major brands for laptops. Having […]
Amazon’s New Free eBooks List
Taking a page from the Apple iBooks store, Amazon has finally created a separate list for the top 100 free ebooks so that they no longer clog up the top 100 Bestseller ebooks list. Take a look at the new layout for the Bestsellers in Kindle store lists. The top 100 free and paid lists […]