Kobo’s entry-level ebook reader, the Kobo Touch 2.0, has been out of stock for at least the past two months now (probably longer) from Kobo’s website. It’s no longer available from Chapters.Indigo either, one of Kobo’s retailers in Canada. In fact the page for the Kobo Touch 2.0 has been removed entirely and just directs […]
Is This a Leaked Photo of a New Kindle for 2017?
Someone over at MobileRead posted a mysterious picture of what could be the next new Kindle for 2017. The image is posted above (click to enlarge). The leaked photo was posted in a Chinese forum supposedly from a retailer in China. As far as leaked photos go, this is about as uninteresting as it gets, […]
Videos Showing New Onyx eReaders and E Ink Laptop
Onyx is showing off some of their new E Ink devices for 2017 at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair. Among their latest products is a laptop with a 9.7-inch E Ink screen. It’s the first device of its kind and it definitely looks interesting. It has much longer battery life than a regular laptop and […]
Video Showing New Sony DPT-RP1 in Action
Sony Japan uploaded a teaser video on YouTube showing their recently-unveiled 2nd generation PDF ereader, the DPT-RP1. It’s a specialized device with a 13.3-inch E Ink screen that is very lightweight and durable thanks to a plastic substrate instead of the usual glass. It has a higher resolution screen than the 1st gen model and […]
Kindle Software Update Version 5.8.9 Adds New Features
Amazon has started rolling out another software update, version 5.8.9, for Kindle ereaders that adds some new manga features and a new text alignment option for left-justified text. They’ve also improved highlighting to make it faster, something Kindles already excelled at (a lot of non-Kindle ereaders struggle to offer smooth highlighting for some annoying reason). […]
InkBook Prime eReader Review and Video Walkthrough
Review Date: April 2017 – Review unit provided by Arta Tech Overview The InkBook Prime is the latest ebook reader from Arta Tech, an ereader company based in Poland. With a Polish ebookstore onboard, the device is tailored to their home market, but they sell InkBooks in other countries as well from various Amazon websites. […]
Kobo Aura One Finally Loses Limited Stock Designation
It looks like Kobo has finally gotten their supply issues worked out with the Kobo Aura One. Ever since it was first released last September Kobo has only had it available for short periods of time before selling out again. For the past few months it’s been available off and on with “limited stock” each […]
Sony Releasing New 13.3-inch PDF Reader, the Digital Paper DPT-RP1
Last fall Sony discontinued their 1st generation specialized E Ink PDF reader, the DPT-S1, and now they’ve announced that a newer model is going to be getting released this summer. The new Digital Paper DPT-RP1 is a lot like the 1st gen model, but it adds a higher resolution 2200 x 1650 screen, a faster […]