Now that Kobo offers the Kobo Aura One with a screen size of 7.8-inches, it makes you wonder if Amazon is going to release a similar-sized Kindle in 2017. Currently Amazon sells four different Kindles. All of them have 6-inch E Ink screens, and three of the four have the exact same 300 ppi E […]
Do Prime Members Use Prime Reading and Audible Channels?
About 5 months ago Amazon added Prime Reading to the list of benefits for Amazon Prime members. The month before that they added free Audible Channels and audiobook streaming for Prime members. Most people probably get Amazon Prime for the free 2-day shipping on Amazon orders, and for the video and music streaming services. But […]
International Report of eBook Sales Reveals Surprising Numbers
The Author Earnings website recently posted a breakdown of total ebook sales by country for the top 5 English-language markets. That includes the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Unsurprisingly Amazon dominates most ebook markets. Overall Amazon accounts for over 80% of English-language ebook purchases. Apple ranks second with 10%, and Nook accounts for […]
Kindle Software Updated to Version 5.8.8; More Kindle Sales
Amazon has started rolling out a new software update for Kindle ereaders that includes some performance improvements and adds a couple of new features. The new software version is 5.8.8 and it’s available for the Kindle Oasis, Kindle Voyage, the 7th and 8th gen basic Kindles, along with the Kindle Paperwhite 2 and 3 (6th […]
Free TOR eBook: Shadow and Claw by Gene Wolfe has a new free ebook available to download as part of their ebook of the month club. This month’s free ebook was posted a week later than usual but it’s better late than never. For the next week you can get the ebook version of Shadow & Claw by Gene Wolfe for free. Just […]
Onyx Boox N96 CML Video Showing Kindle App and HYReader
A couple of weeks ago I posted about a video review from YouTube showing the Android-powered 9.7-inch Onyx Boox N96 next to the 6-inch Kindle Paperwhite. The same reviewer has uploaded a second video showing the Kindle app and HYReader app on the Onyx Boox N96. Again there’s no narration but the video gives a […]
Kindles On Sale Again for $20 off, Plus Gold Box Kindle eBook Deal
Amazon has been having a sale on Kindle ebooks just about every Sunday lately and today is no exception. Once again they’ve got a list of Kindle books on sale today only as one of the main gold box deals of the day. They’ve also put some Kindles on sale for $20 off, apparently because […]
Code Reveals Plans for Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2
It looks like Kobo has plans to release a 2nd generation Kobo Aura H2O later this year. Someone at MobileRead noticed a reference to a device called the Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 in the code for the latest Kobo software update. Kobo’s tendency to add “Edition 2” to newer devices makes it pretty clear […]