Here’s a list of ten free highly-rated Kindle books from the Kindle Store to help you find something good to start reading this weekend. These particular ebooks are free as of March 21st, 2015. Please note that most of these titles are free for a limited-time only and could expire at anytime. Make sure to […]
Nook Touch Running Windows 95 and Other Crazy Emulators (Videos)
I like to keep an eye on YouTube for any interesting videos related to E Ink and ebook readers. The Nook Touch has been getting some attention lately. A reader recently uploaded a video showing it playing The Impossible Game. And now a Nook enthusiast that likes testing the Nook’s limits, Sean S, has uploaded […]
Rakuten Buys OverDrive; What’s it Mean for Kindle Library Books?
There’s big news in the ebook industry today. Rakuten has announced that they are purchasing OverDrive for 410 million dollars in cash. The acquisition is expected to be finalized next month, April 2015. OverDrive is the leading platform for ebook and audiobook lending to public and school libraries, with over 30,000 supported libraries worldwide. Rakuten, […]
Kindle Battery Replacement How to Guides (Videos)
As long as you keep the screen safe, Kindles can last for many years. But eventually the battery is going to wear out, and it will get to the point where it no longer holds a charge. Most people just get rid of their old Kindles when the battery dies. After all, that is a […]
Kindle Cloud Collections: How They Work and How to Use Them
Amazon introduced “cloud collections” back in November of 2013 to help keep Kindle content organized and have everything synced between Kindle apps and devices. Some people like cloud collections, and others can’t stand the limitations. A lot of people are confused about how cloud collections function exactly, so let’s go over how they work. First […]
New Kindle eReaders Blocked from Jailbreaking and Hacking
There’s always been a number of custom hacks and tweaks for jailbroken Kindle ereaders (like screensaver and font hacks), but ever since Amazon released their latest line of Kindles last fall, jailbreaking has become pretty much impossible. Amazon has gone to great lengths to block any kind of hacking to the Kindle Voyage, the entry-level […]
Write On by Kindle is Amazon’s New Community for Writers
This past week Amazon officially introduced Write On by Kindle, a new website where readers and writers can get together to work on honing stories and writing skills. You can read books that are works-in-progress, including everything from short stories to novels, that writers have posted. You can offer feedback and suggestions to other writers, […]
Our New Mobile Friendly Blog for Smartphones Launches
Yesterday an email showed up in my inbox from Google Webmaster Tools saying that The eBook Reader Blog was not a mobile-friendly website and that 100% of the pages had critical mobile usability errors. This website is turning six years old in a few months, and I’ve never setup a mobile-friendly version of this site […]