When Kobo announced their new Aura HD eReader two days ago, I was overwhelmed with excitement. Within seconds of seeing Nathan’s post on my Google Reader feed, I was on Kobo’s website placing my pre-order. The Aura HD embodies everything I have ever wanted in an E Ink device: a real HD E Ink […]
Kobo Unveils Kobo Aura HD eBook Reader with Unique Screen (Video)
Kobo just pulled a surprise move on everybody today by unveiling a new limited edition E Ink ebook reader called the Kobo Aura HD. The most interesting detail about Kobo’s new ereader is the screen, which Kobo is calling ClarityScreen+. First off, the screen is supposed to be more durable than typical E Ink screens. […]
What is Your Favorite eBook Font?
One of the great benefits of reading ebooks over paper books is the amount of control you have over the most important part of a book: the text. You can adjust how small or large it is, and depending on the reading device or app you use, you can often change font type, font weight, […]
Review: Archos 97 Titanium HD
A couple of weeks ago I posted an article about the new Archos 97 Titanium HD tablet that is one of the first Android tablets to have a screen similar to the Apple iPad in terms of size and screen resolution. Since the iPad is one of my favorite tablets for reading because of the […]
New Coby Tablets with Google Play Now Available for $109 and Up
Coby, one of the more prolific budget tablet makers, has released a new line of inexpensive tablets with decent specs and low prices for 2013. There’s a 7-inch model (MID7065), a 10-inch model (MID1065), and an 8-inch model (MID8065) available right now from various online retailers. About this time last year I reviewed the Coby […]
Asus MeMO Pad 7″ Android 4.1 Tablet Now Available for $149
If you are in the market for a good quality budget tablet, Asus has just released a new 7-inch model called the ASUS MeMO Pad ME172V. The Asus MeMO Pad 7 is basically a watered-down version of the Google Nexus 7, which Asus also makes. The MeMo Pad sells for $149, which is $50 less […]
B&N Now Paying YOU to Sell Their Nook HD Tablets
Things are starting to look bad for the Nook. Real bad. Today, Barnes & Noble announced the beginning of their “Spread the Word About Nook Program” which will run until June 14, 2013. If you can somehow convince a close friend to spend $199 on a new Nook HD, B&N will give you and the […]
BooksOnBoard is Closed – Download Your Purchased eBooks Now!
Since launching in 2006, BooksOnBoard has been one of the more popular independent bookstores to buy ebooks from (audiobooks too), especially for international buyers. But as of yesterday, BooksOnBoard has stopped selling ebooks. Access to their ebookstore has been shut down entirely. The only thing that you can do is log into your account and […]