Here’s an interesting twist. As of this morning, Amazon is no longer selling the base Kindle Paperwhite, the cheapest model that comes with Special Offers that normally sells for $119. The $139 Wi-Fi Paperwhite without Special Offers is still available, as are both 3G Paperwhites. But what happened to the other one? It might very […]
kindle paperwhite
4 Things I’d Like to See on the New Kindle Paperwhite
It’s the middle of August and that means new Kindles are just around the corner. There have been numerous reports online about what features and specs the new Kindle Fire HD tablets could have, but there’s been nary a whisper about what Amazon plans for the next generation Kindle Paperwhite. Don’t let the lack of […]
Controlling a Kindle Paperwhite with a Remote Control (Video)
Sometimes when a gadget doesn’t come with all the features you would like it to have, you have to take matters into your own hands. That’s what a member over at Mobileread did with the Kindle Paperwhite. The person known as zxczxc wanted to be able to turn pages without having to hold/touch the Kindle […]
Waterproof Kindle Paperwhite Review – Kindle Goes Swimming with the Fishes
Last week I posted about a new waterproof Kindle Paperwhite from a company called Waterfi. They were nice enough to lend me one for review, so I did some tests to see if it really is waterproof. On the surface the waterproof Kindle Paperwhite looks exactly the same as my regular Kindle Paperwhite. There’s no […]
Waterproof Kindle Paperwhite Now Available in Time for Summer
I’ve seen waterproof cases for the Kindle and other ebook readers and tablets before, and I’ve even heard of people putting their Kindle in a Ziploc bag to keep out moisture in watery venues, but now there is a company called Waterfi that is selling fully waterproofed Kindle Paperwhites out of the box. A waterproof […]
Kindle Paperwhite vs Kobo Aura HD Comparison Review (Video)
The Kobo Aura HD is the newest ebook reader to hit the market, and it comes with a unique screen that is larger than typical E Ink ereaders, plus the resolution is higher. But is the screen good enough to win over would be Kindle Paperwhite buyers? Is the bigger screen size and better resolution […]
Kindle Paperwhite Update 5.3.5 Brings Dictionary and Search Enhancements
Amazon has issued another firmware update for the Kindle Paperwhite. This new version goes by the number 5.3.5. It includes the usual “general improvements” as well as a couple of new features. The first feature enhancement improves dictionary usage by showing the full definition of a looked-up word in the dictionary window instead of just […]
Amazon Now Selling Certified Refurbished Kindle Paperwhites for $104
While doing some research over at Amazon this morning I came across a couple of listings for refurbished Kindle Paperwhites. Usually Amazon has a note along the side of the regular listing when they have refurbished units available, but this time they are completely hidden for some reason. In fact they don’t even show up […]