If you’re looking for a gift idea, don’t forget that most major ebook stores have the option to give ebooks as gifts. One of the benefits of giving an ebook as a gift is you don’t have to go pick it up or wait for it to ship; ebooks get delivered wirelessly in just a […]
Will Amazon Release a New Premium 6-inch Kindle in 2019?
Nothing against the new Kindle Paperwhite, especially considering it’s only $99 on sale, but every time I pick up the Kindle Voyage I’m reminded by how much nicer it is by comparison. Considering the Kindle Voyage sold for $200 and up it’s not surprising that it’s nicer but what is surprising is the fact that […]
How Do You Prefer to Buy eBooks?
When it comes to buying ebooks, there are plenty of ways to do so. You can buy them from a phone, a tablet, a PC, an app, and pretty much anything with a web browser. Most ebook readers like Kindles and Kobos and Nooks have a dedicated store built-in. In fact you’d have a pretty […]
Kindle Unlimited Deals, up to 40% off and 3 Months for $1
Earlier in the week Amazon put Kindle Unlimited subscriptions on sale for 33% off on 1 year, and now they’ve added some more deals on Kindle Unlimited for different plans. These new deals don’t appear to be giftable, however, like the other deal from earlier in the week. If you want to give Kindle Unlimited […]
Free Holiday Audiobooks from Audible, Plus a Few Deals
Audible is giving away a few different holiday-themed audiobooks, and with all the money being spent this time of year, who doesn’t like to get something for free. There’s also a deal at Groupon where new members can get two months of Audible for $1.90, which essentially means you can get two audiobooks for $1.90. […]
Kindle Unlimited eBook Subscription 33% off for 12 Months
If you’re looking for a last minute gift idea, Amazon has just put Kindle Unlimited subscriptions on sale. You can get a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited for $80.31, which works out to about $6.70 per month. The regular price is $9.99 per month so that’s a savings of just under $40 for 12 months. […]
Does the New Kindle Paperwhite 4 Have a Glass or Plastic Screen?
Ever since the new Kindle Paperwhite was released, there’s been some confusion about the screen. Some folks think it has a glass screen and other people say it has a plastic screen. First off, let’s define what part of the screen we’re referring to, because some people probably aren’t talking about the same thing. All […]
Last Minute eBook Reader and Tablet Deals
With Christmas just one week away, there are still some good deals to be had on ebook readers and tablets. In fact some deals are just as good as Black Friday sales, and some are even better. As predicted, the new Kindle Paperwhite that’s on sale for $99 is expected to be back in stock […]