There’s a little-known trick to expand the available storage space on Kobo ebook readers, including the Kobo Aura HD, the Kobo Glo, Kobo Mini, and Kobo Touch (sorry the Kobo Aura is left out). The reason why this is possible is because Kobo’s ebook readers have microSD cards built in for the internal storage (except […]
eBook Readers
Kindle Paperwhite 2 Has Much Improved Frontlight, But Difference with Carta Screen is Marginal
My Kindle Paperwhite 2 arrived yesterday so I’ve had a few hours to analyze the new screen and frontlight. The first thing that jumps out about the new Paperwhite is that from the outside it is pretty much an exact replica of last year’s Paperwhite. The only noticeable difference is the new one says “Amazon” […]
3G Kindle Paperwhite 2 Goes up for Pre-Order – Ships November 5th
Pre-orders for the WiFi Kindle Paperwhite 2 started on September 3rd when it was first announced. It started shipping on Monday for those that pre-ordered, and Best Buy has them in stock now as well. Meanwhile if you wanted the 3G version of the Kindle Paperwhite you were out of luck because it has been […]
My New Kindle Paperwhite Just Turned into a Kindle Keyboard
The new 2nd generation Kindle Paperwhite has started shipping for those that pre-ordered. Amazon shows that it will be in stock on their website starting October 10th. A few people have already received theirs and have started posting reviews at Amazon (I don’t know how anyone can post a proper review after 1 day of […]
Kobo Patcher Removes Wasted Space with Extra Margin Settings for Kobo eReaders
Kobo’s ebook readers have settings for customizing line spacing and margins, but there are annoying limitations at times, especially when it comes to all the wasted space Kobo insists on using at the top and bottom of the screen to display the title of the ebook and the page numbers. The title takes up about […]
Kobo Aura’s Screen Has Visible Pattern, and is Darker than Aura HD
The Kobo Aura is the latest 6-inch ebook reader from Kobo. It has a really cool edge-to-edge screen that isn’t recessed in the front frame like other ebook readers. This gives it a sleek tablet-like look. It’s also the first Kobo ereader to use a capacitive touchscreen, which adds some extra zooming options and other […]
Confirmed: The Sony PRS-T3 Won’t Be Released in the United States
I’ve got some disappointing news to report today. Earlier in the week I reached out to the Sony Reader division in the United States to inquire about the Sony PRS-T3 ebook reader to see if and when it was coming to the US. As it turns out, the PRS-T3 will not be released in the […]
Bookeen Announces New eBook Readers: Cybook Odyssey Frontlight and Cybook Ocean
For those of you that live in Europe, there will be two new choices for ebook readers this fall from Bookeen, makers of the France-based Cybook brand of ereaders. The most intriguing of the two is the Cybook Ocean. What’s unique about it is that it’s the first Cybook ereader to have an 8″ screen. […]