Here’s an interesting twist. As of this morning, Amazon is no longer selling the base Kindle Paperwhite, the cheapest model that comes with Special Offers that normally sells for $119. The $139 Wi-Fi Paperwhite without Special Offers is still available, as are both 3G Paperwhites. But what happened to the other one? It might very […]
eBook Readers
Leaks Reveal That New Sony Reader PRS-T3 Doesn’t Have a Frontlight
Today I’ve got some unfortunate news to report. Some new information has leaked online about Sony’s new upcoming PRS-T3 ebook reader and it doesn’t look good. In fact I’m so disappointed that I almost decided not to write an article about this at all because quite frankly there’s so little new information revealed that it […]
An E Ink eBook Reader and Secondary Computer Monitor Rolled into One
Have you ever wanted to use your ebook reader as a computer monitor? If so, I’ve got some good news for you. The folks from Shenzhen Ocean Blue Technology in China are trying to raise $2000 via IndieGogo to build the first E Ink ebook reader, named CBR, that can double as a secondary computer […]
B&N Cuts Price of Nook Glow to $99; Nook Touch on Sale for $49
Yesterday Barnes and Noble announced a new lower price on the Nook Glow ebook reader. When it was first released the Nook Glow sold for $139. Then when Amazon unleashed the Kindle Paperwhite on the world for $119, B&N matched the price. Now Barnes and Noble is cutting another $20 off the price to make […]
Kobo Cuts Price of Arc by $100, Schedules Event to Announce New eReaders (Probably)
This past week Kobo did a couple of things to strengthen the notion that they plan to announce new devices soon. Most notably, Kobo sent out invitations to a press event to “See What’s Next from Kobo” scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th in New York. Most likely Kobo will unveil what appears to be a […]
4 Things I’d Like to See on the New Kindle Paperwhite
It’s the middle of August and that means new Kindles are just around the corner. There have been numerous reports online about what features and specs the new Kindle Fire HD tablets could have, but there’s been nary a whisper about what Amazon plans for the next generation Kindle Paperwhite. Don’t let the lack of […]
Say Goodbye to Infrared Touchscreens on E Ink eBook Readers
I’ve been keeping an eye on things over on E Ink’s website for anything new ever since they stated in a recent interview that they would be releasing a new generation of ebook reader screens soon that are capable of going up to 100 page turns without needing to do a full page refresh, just […]
A Closer Look at Sony’s First Lighted eBook Reader
Sony is expected to announce a new ebook reader in August, the Sony PRS-T3. We already know that it has a 6″ screen and has a slightly different design than last year’s PRS-T2 based on the few photos that turned up in the FCC paperwork. One thing the photos and paperwork don’t reveal, however, is […]