There’s a lot of change going on at Kobo this year. They’ve been shuffling upper management positions and they appointed a new president and CEO a few weeks ago. Now Kobo’s new leadership has elected to let go 63 workers. Kobo employs over 400 people worldwide, so that equates to about a 15% reduction in […]
Kobo Now Issuing Credits for eBooks Antitrust Settlement
Last week Amazon was the first to start sending out emails to Kindle customers informing them about credits that have been issued to their account in regards to the antitrust settlement case where the big five publishers had to pay-up for colluding with Apple to fix the price of ebooks. Soon after Amazon started issuing […]
Sony’s Transition to Kobo is Smooth, But Not All eBooks Make It
Sony started sending out emails yesterday with links to transition customer accounts over to the Kobo ebook store now that Sony is closing the Reader Store. I received the email today and the transfer process was incredibly simple and took all of about 30 seconds to complete. All I had to do was follow the […]
Kobo eReaders, Tablets and Covers Now Available from Walmart
Earlier today I was browsing through Walmart’s ebook reader selection online and noticed some interesting new additions. It appears that Kobo is finally making their line of ebook readers and tablets available through Walmart (U.S.) again. Kobo used to sell their ereaders through Walmart and other major retailers in the United States, but then they […]
Lots of People Unhappy with Sony Sending Accounts to Kobo
Today Sony sent out another email about the Sony Reader ebook store closing tomorrow on March 20th. The email doesn’t contain any new information or give a specific date when the transition to Kobo will commence. It just basically says to expect an email with a link to transfer your account over to Kobo in […]
New Hack Boots Android From External SD on Kobo Aura HD, Touch and Glo
Lately I’ve been keeping an eye on the Android on Kobo: “Tips and Apps” thread at MobileRead for interesting tidbits for running Android on Kobo’s ebook readers. A couple days ago a new dual-boot hack has come to light that makes it possible to run Android off an external microSD card instead of having to […]
Daily Deals and Freebies: Kindle, Nook, and Kobo
This is the first post of a new daily deals and freebies section that I’ve decided to add to The eBook Reader Blog. Each morning I’ll post a roundup of the daily deal offers for ebooks from Amazon, Kobo, and B&N, along with a couple of hand-picked free ebooks with good reviews. I’ll also include […]
Kobo Aura and Kobo Aura HD Now Available from Best Buy
This morning I followed a link over to Best Buy’s website and I happened to notice that they are now selling the Kobo Aura and Kobo Aura HD, and they aren’t marketplace items either—they are being sold directly from Best This is important because Best Buy used to be an authorized retailer for Kobo’s […]