Yesterday what appears to be an updated Nook Touch turned up on the FCC website. Details are very sparse at this point, but at least it’s good to finally see some conformation that there is indeed a new Nook ereader in the works after all. Barnes and Noble has hinted as much in recent months, […]
Nook Touch on Sale for $59, Nook Glow for $79
Barnes and Noble is offering a sale on their E Ink Nook ebook readers for what feels like the hundredth time. This is about as low as the prices have gotten, though, so they are definitely worth considering. Both Nooks are marked down by $20 at B& and in Barnes and Noble retail stores until […]
Nooks On Sale Again – Up to $30 Off
Barnes and Noble is running another sale on Nook ereaders and the Nook HD tablet this week (the HD+ is left out of this round of deals). The pricing breaks down as follows: Nook Touch – $59 ($20 off) Nook Touch with Glowlight – $79 ($20 off) Nook HD 8GB – $109 ($20 off) Nook […]
B&N Confirms New Nook Coming Soon, Backtracks on Dropping “Color” Nooks
Yesterday Barnes and Noble released their 2014 first quarter financial results, and the news was pretty bad. Revenues are continually going down, and the Nook division is still sinking faster than B&N’s retail division. The retail segment had revenues of 1 billion dollars, which is down nearly 10% from the prior year. The Nook segment, […]
B&N Cuts Price of Nook Glow to $99; Nook Touch on Sale for $49
Yesterday Barnes and Noble announced a new lower price on the Nook Glow ebook reader. When it was first released the Nook Glow sold for $139. Then when Amazon unleashed the Kindle Paperwhite on the world for $119, B&N matched the price. Now Barnes and Noble is cutting another $20 off the price to make […]
Amazon Didn’t Kill the Nook, Barnes and Noble’s Inept Leadership Did
This past week Barnes and Noble announced that their CEO, William Lynch, has resigned. It’s no secret that B&N has been struggling financially for some time now, and this is just one of many dominos to fall over the past few months. An interesting detail to note, B&N didn’t replace their CEO. Instead they basically […]
B&N is Leaving the Nook Tablet Business, But Will Continue to Make Nook eReaders
Barnes and Noble announced some changes moving forward with the Nook brand today with the release of their fourth-quarter and full-year earnings report. Losses were greater than expected, so B&N is making some changes. Barnes and Noble has decided to stop making new Nook tablets, and instead will focus on partnering with other manufactures to […]
Nook for PC and Nook for Mac Have Returned to B&N’s Website
As first reported here a couple of weeks ago, Barnes and Noble mysteriously removed the Nook for PC and Nook for Mac applications from their website. The story has been making the rounds on just about every tech blog and website. Lots of people are jumping to the conclusion that the Nook brand is finished, […]