The iriver Story HD ebook reader is on sale at Target for $99 until October 15th. It is normally priced at $139. Even at that price I’m not sure I’d recommend it unless you just want a really basic ereader. The Kindle with Special Offers at $114 is a better value because the Kindle comes […]
Sales and Discounts
Barnes and Noble Slash Price on Nook 1st Edition to $89
Yes, Barnes and Noble still sell the original Nook and they just sliced $30 off of its price both on B& and on B&N’s eBay store, making it just $89. It originally sold for $149 before the Nook Touch came along so that’s a pretty hefty discount. Even though it is the older model, it […]
B&N Now Selling Nook Touch for $112 at B&, Certified Pre-Owned
A couple of weeks back, Barnes and Noble started selling refurbished Nook Touches on eBay, and now they’ve started selling them from B& as well. A brand new Nook Touch will set you back $139, so going with one of the certified pre-owned Nooks for $112 cuts an extra $27 off the price, enough to […]
Entourage Pocket Edge $79 Today Only, Insanely Good Deal
The no-longer-made Entourage Edge is selling for an eye-poppingly low price of $79.99 today only on Woot. That’s such a good price that I’m even tempted to buy one, and another gadget is the last thing I need, so I’m going to have to avoid looking at this post for the rest of the day. […]
Sales and Deals: eReaders, Kindle Lighted Cover, Kobo eBook Codes, and More
As August winds to a close, there are a number of ebook readers and related items on sale, so I decided to put them all together in one long list instead of doing separate posts for each offer. Note: These prices are current as of this post; obviously they will change as time goes by. […]
Kobo WiFi Refurbs are $65; Kobo Touch Officially Launches at Best Buy
While checking into an announcement that Kobo has officially launched their new touchscreen ebook reader at Best Buy, I happened to notice what is one of the lowest priced E Ink ebook reader to date. Best Buy is selling the Kobo Wifi (refurbished) for just $64.99. The only E Ink ereader I’ve ever seen priced […]
Kindle Daily Deal: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo
It looks like Amazon is starting up with the Kindle Daily Deals again. This morning they tweeted about offering The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo for $1.39. This is a one day only sale; the price will back up to $5.59 tomorrow. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a very highly […]
Refurbished Nook Touch $112 on eBay, Sold by B&N
Barnes and Noble just started selling refurbished versions of the Nook Simple Touch Reader from their eBay Store for $112 with free shipping. The Nook Touch sells new for $139, so you save an extra $27 by going with a manufacturer refurbished unit, which are regarded as being in excellent condition because each has been […]