Once again Amazon has a selection of heavily-discounted Kindle ebooks marked down for one of their Gold Box Deals of the Day. It’s a one-day only sale for October 9th. This time around all the books are priced at $2.99. There are thirteen books on the list. The theme for this sale is “fall reading […]
How to Find Free Prime Reading Eligible Kindle eBooks
Earlier this week Amazon added a new perk for Prime members that grants unlimited access to a rotating selection of Kindle ebooks and other Kindle content for free. Prime Reading is basically a sampler version of Kindle Unlimited, Amazon’s monthly ebook subscription service, as all the available titles are pulled from there. One difference, however, […]
$199 Kindle Voyage Out of Stock; Voyage 2 Coming Soon?
This morning I noticed that Amazon has run out of Wi-Fi Kindle Voyages with special offers, the base $199 model. They also no longer offer the Kindle Voyage Essentials bundle—they are listed as currently unavailable. The shipping date has been pushed back to 3 to 4 weeks on the Wi-Fi Kindle Voyage. It might mean […]
Kindle Cloud Collection Management Launches on MYCD Page
Amazon has just rolled out a new feature that people have been requesting ever since Amazon first launched their Kindle cloud collections feature back in 2013. If you login to the Manage Your Content and Devices page at Amazon, you’ll see a banner at the top of the page proclaiming the launch of Cloud Collection […]
New Prime Reading Library Added, Plus up to $50 off Kindles for Prime Members
Amazon has some new goodies for Prime members today. They’ve just introduced a new unlimited reading library for Prime members called Prime Reading that grants access to a free selection of Kindle books, magazines, and other content. No Kindle required; a Kindle reading app is all you need. Prime members also currently have access to […]
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde – Free Audiobook for October
Amazon and Audible have updated their free audiobook and ebook offering for the month of October to help promote their Whispersync for Voice feature that syncs Kindle ebooks and Audible audiobooks together to switch back and forth between listening and reading. Once again this month’s freebie is a repeat offer so you may already own […]
10 Free Kindle eBooks and Kindle Deals – October 3rd
It’s time for another weekly roundup of 10 free highly-rated Kindle ebooks to help get your Monday off to a good start. Please note that the free Kindle ebooks listed below are free as of October 3rd, 2016. Most of these titles are free for a limited time only and will expire in a few […]
Free eBook: Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear
A few months ago Tor.com started giving away a free ebook each month as part of their ebook of the month club. To get the free ebook all you need to do is give an email address to signup for Tor.com’s monthly newsletter. The ebook they are offering for free this month is Range of […]