Last week Barnes and Noble added a new device to their lineup of Nook-branded Samsung tablets. It’s called the Samsung Galaxy Tab E Nook. It’s a 9.6-inch Android tablet with a 1280 x 800 resolution screen (157 ppi). Basically it’s B&N’s answer to the Fire HD 10, and it sells for $249. The interesting thing […]
B&N Releases New 8-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Nook for $399
Barnes and Noble has announced the latest addition to their line of Samsung branded Nook tablets with the release of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Nook. The Tab S2 Nook is an 8-inch tablet with high-end specs. It has a Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 (320 ppi)—perfect for ereading. It’s […]
Would You Switch to Nook if B&N Gave You a Nook GlowLight for Free?
Barnes and Noble has been getting a lot of bad press for a long time, especially when it comes to anything related to the Nook portion of their business because it’s always losing them a ton of money with each quarterly report. Most of the problems are of B&N’s own making, like making it so […]
Nook Simple Touch FastMode & USB Sound ROM (Video)
Earlier this week I came across a YouTube video showing a Nook Simple Touch running the latest and final version of the FastMode + USB Sound ROM. As the name implies, FastMode helps make the Nook refresh the E Ink screen faster—even fast enough to play videos—and USB Sound adds audio support to the Nook […]
B&N Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Trade In Promotion
Barnes and Noble has started running a new trade-in promotion to entice people to trade an old ebook reader or tablet for credit toward the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook tablet. B&N is accepting select Nook, Kindle, iPad, and Nexus devices for trade in. The credit ranges from $25-$200 toward the purchase […]
Devs Working on CM11 ROM (Android 4.4) for Nook Touch
It’s always good to see the Nook Touch still getting some attention from developers, even after four years since its initial release. A couple months ago I posted an article about the Nook Touch running Windows 95 and other emulators, along with the Impossible Game. Now developers are working on getting the Nook Touch (and […]
Nook Touch Running Windows 95 and Other Crazy Emulators (Videos)
I like to keep an eye on YouTube for any interesting videos related to E Ink and ebook readers. The Nook Touch has been getting some attention lately. A reader recently uploaded a video showing it playing The Impossible Game. And now a Nook enthusiast that likes testing the Nook’s limits, Sean S, has uploaded […]
B&N Using New Nook DRM Key, Sending Even More Customers Away
Sometimes it seems like someone on the inside at Barnes and Noble is secretly trying to take down the Nook business from the inside out. That’s about the only thing that could explain the continued bad decisions that keep sending more and more people away from Barnes and Noble’s Nook devices and Nook books. This […]