A few weeks ago I decided to buy the Ematic eGlide Prima that I posted about back in May. I decided to review it because it’s a cheap tablet for $99 that runs Android 4.0 and is the only sub-$100 tablet I’ve seen with official support for Google apps, or so the listing at Amazon […]
Nook Glow Review Part 2: Battery Life Test, GlowLight Followup, and Verdict
In a followup to my initial Nook Touch with GlowLight review, this second part of the Nook Glow review focuses on battery life when using the GlowLight and includes some additional thoughts on the light in general and my final verdict after having used the device for a few weeks. Let’s start with the battery […]
Rooted Nook Touch with GlowLight Review, Plus Tips and Tricks (Video)
This review includes a video review of a rooted Nook Glow showing what operations can be performed and some different Android apps that can be installed, including Kindle, Kobo, Aldiko, Cool Reader, ezPDF, and others. This review also includes some tips and tricks for getting started with a rooted Nook Glow, along with links to […]
Custom ROM for Novo 7 Paladin Adds Google Play and Root Access
A while back I reviewed the Novo 7 Paladin, a cheap Android tablet from China that sells for around $100 on Amazon. Out of the box it came with Android 4.0.1 and included a watered-down version of the Android Market (not very many apps showed up). As mentioned in the review, I found an official […]
Review: iPad 3 DecalGirl Skin – Plus Matte vs Glossy
Earlier in the week I posted a review for a woodgrain DecalGirl skin for the Kindle Touch, and this time around I’ve got a review for a Tropical Moon skin from DecalGirl for the iPad 3. The iPad 3 skin is a lot bigger than the Kindle skin. It was a little intimidating so I […]
Review: 7″ Coby Kyros MID7042 Android 4.0 Tablet (Video)
Here’s the link to the Coby Kyros MID7042 review and video review. It is a 7-inch budget tablet that runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. In case you’re wondering, I had mentioned getting the cheaper 7″ Coby Kyros MID7035 model to review on the earlier post about the Coby Android 4.0 tablets showing up for […]
Check out My New Black Woodgrain Kindle Touch
DecalGirl sent my a couple of skins to review, and one of them is a black woodgrain skin for the Kindle Touch. Click the picture above for a closer look. I wanted to make sure to put the skin on as straight as possible so I sat down and really took my time putting it […]
Nook Touch with GlowLight Review Part 1 – Plus Video Review and Photo Gallery
Since my Nook Touch with GlowLight arrived from Barnes and Noble I’ve been spending a lot of time playing with it and testing out the new GlowLight. I decided I would go ahead and put together this initial review along with a video review and a photo gallery showing the new Nook in action and […]