Earlier today Barnes & Noble unveiled their new co-branded tablet with Samsung, called the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook. Ever since the partnership was first announced, we knew that B&N would be using Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 4 hardware, the big question was what would B&N do to customize the software. After watching some hands-on YouTube […]
Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Released, Comes with $200 Free Content
Today Barnes & Noble and Samsung introduced their new co-branded Galaxy Tab 4 Nook tablet. It’s basically a copy of the 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 that I reviewed a few months ago, but with custom Nook software tweaks. The retail price is the same as the Galaxy Tab 4: the list price is $199 […]
Galaxy Tab 4 Nook Getting Unveiled August 20th
Samsung and Barnes & Noble have teamed up to sell a co-branded tablet called the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook, and both parties have just scheduled an unveiling event on Wednesday, August 20th. Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook will be shown at the event, which is being held in New York. There’s […]
Turn Your Android Tablet into the Ultimate eReader
One of the good things about Android is all of the choices for reading apps. There’s everything from ebook apps to news and rss apps, to digital magazine and newspaper and comic apps, there’s reading apps just for kids, enhanced ebook apps with videos and music, apps that read ebooks aloud. In fact there are […]
LG G Pad 7.0 Tablet Now Available for $149 – Galaxy Tab 4 Clone
LG is releasing a new trio of Android tablets for summer, the G Pad 7.0, the G Pad 8.0, and G Pad 10.1. The first model to hit store shelves is the LG G Pad 7.0. It’s available now at Best Buy for $149, but only in select stores and shipping isn’t offered yet. That’s […]
Amazon’s Top 100 Rated Tablets Includes 98 iPads
Yesterday I was looking over Amazon’s best sellers list for the top 100 tablets when I made an interesting observation. In addition to the best sellers list, Amazon has top 100 lists for hot new releases, most wished for, gift ideas, and top rated. Amazon’s own Kindle Fire tablets top the lists for best sellers, […]
Hisense Sero 8 Tablet Shows up in US at Walmart
Earlier this year, Hisense decided to release a follow-up to their popular budget tablets from last year with an 8-inch tablet called the Hisense Sero 8. The Hisense Sero 8 first appeared in the UK a couple of months ago for £89. Now it’s also available in the United States from Walmart stores. Walmart’s website […]
Samsung Galaxy Tab S Tablets Unveiled, Come with Outdoor Readable High-res AMOLED Displays
Samsung is on a tablet-releasing binge this year. They just released their Pro series of tablets a few months ago, then the budget line of Galaxy Tab 4 tablets came along, and now Samsung is getting set to release a third set of high-end tablets next month. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S series looks to […]