If your Kobo ereader ever starts experiencing problems or stops working properly, there a few different reset and restart options that can usually fix common issues and sudden performance problems. Kobo’s devices have an unusual restart system where you have to stick a paperclip into a small hole. I can’t think of any other ereaders […]
Pride and Prejudice is Free Audiobook, Kindle Book Combo for May
If you like free audiobooks and the classic book Pride and Prejudice then this is your lucky month. Today Amazon updated their Whispersync for Voice freebie. Through May you can get a free Audible audiobook and Kindle ebook of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Last month’s freebie was also a Jane Austen title so […]
10 Free Kindle Books and Kindle Sales – May 1st
It’s time for another weekly roundup of 10 free highly-rated Kindle ebooks. I’ve sifted through the gazillion free romance titles to find a few non-romance titles for a change (about half of all free Kindle books have a guy on the cover with his shirt off or a couple making out). Amazon is also continuing […]
Kindle Oasis vs Kindle Paperwhite 3 Comparison Review (+Video)
Now that Amazon has released the Kindle Oasis, let’s see how it stacks up against the much cheaper Kindle Paperwhite 3 for this comparison review. When it comes right down to it there aren’t very many differences between the two ereaders other than the design and the price. Both provide access to the same exact […]
Kobo Glo HD and Kindles on Sale for Mother’s Day
Kobo has started running a sale on the Kobo Glo HD for Mother’s Day. It’s $20 off the regular price, taking it from $129 to $109. The timing is a bit odd, but then again Kobo always seems to do things differently. Unless their shipping has improved significantly I doubt they’d even get it delivered […]
Kindle Oasis Charging Cover Review (Video)
Amazon changed things up with the release of the Kindle Oasis by including a leather charging cover with every purchase. The cover is included with the Kindle Oasis because it is a vital part of the equation. Amazon essentially took most of the battery out of the Kindle and put it in the cover in […]
Kindle Fonts Review on Kindle Oasis (Video)
The Kindle Oasis comes with a new font style option called Amazon Ember. It’s a sans-serif font to complement the serif Bookerly font that was added last year. Amazon Ember is somewhat similar to Helvetica but it’s not as bold. The screenshot at the top of this page shows an example of the Amazon Ember […]
Kindle Oasis First Impressions Review and Pictures
The Kindle Oasis, Amazon’s new premium ereader, was officially released today for those that pre-ordered early (Amazon currently shows new shipments arriving the beginning of June). I ordered one to review, of course. But it’ll be a couple of weeks before I post a full review since I like to actually use a device for […]